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Disc Herniation

Disc Herniations are another common condition that we see in the office. They can occur at any spot in the spine but are more common in the low back and the neck. When a disc herniates, part of the (nucleus) inner jelly-like portion starts pushing through the outer layers (the annulus). The inner portion can push slightly into the annulus, or fully through the annulus.


While this seems like an awful situation, this is a very common issue, in fact, many people who are pain-free HAVE disc herniations. A disc herniation can have many different causes, but the most common we treat are repetitive pattern issues seen with poor core stability. An example of this sitting at a desk for 8 hours then going to work out. Tweaking your back due to a workout can happen, we believe that this is very rare, the injury ends up being the accumulation of your daily movement habits. This can also happen when we workout using the same movement patterns over and over, not just from sitting too much.


How KCR can help!


At Kalamazoo Chiropractic & Rehabilitation, you will be taken through a thorough medical history and full body assessment to make sure you receive a proper diagnosis. In most cases, treatment will begin on your first visit once we decide that conservative care (i.e. without the use of surgery, drugs, or injections) is right for you.


A majority of muscle, joint, and nerve pain can be resolved quickly -within days to weeks- with a proper movement assessment and treatment strategy. If your pain changes while moving, this is typically a sign that movement can resolve your current issues.


Dr. Kopp uses a combination of Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy (McKenzie Method) and Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) to assess and treat both pain from a herniated disc and the function of the spine as a whole.


Once we have found a movement or movements that decrease your symptoms and improve how your body is functioning, you are on the way to living life the way you want! If your condition is something we are unable to treat in the office, Dr. Kopp will know within the first few visits. He will then recommend the correct medical provider that can find a solution for you.

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